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NeuroLOG Middleware v0.5.1 deployment

Release 0.5.1 of the NeuroLOG middleware has been deployed on the current partner sites: I3S, IRISA, GIN, IFR49. It comes with improvment of existing features, in particular regarding the metadata browsing GUI, and a few bug fixes. It is recommended to upgrade your existing client to this new release.

This release corresponds to the revision r2038 of the trunk branch, and is tagged 0.5.1.

What's in this version

Features and bug fixes

Release 0.5.1 comes with the following changes:

  • Browse metadata client:
    • improve dataset selection criteria and ergonomy
    • reflect selection of 'View Entity' window into query result selection
  • Cart 'save-as' feature ergonomy improved + fix fuzzy behavior on Mac
  • Semantics: periodic refresh the semantics repository on server side
  • Fix a display issue on Mac: changing the type en entity to query does not properly redraw criteria panel

Restrictions and known issues

  • Processing tools packaged on a MacOS client will not succeed to deploy on a NeuroLOG server.
  • Processing tools name should not include a dash: '-': such a tool can be created and deployed, but its invocation raises an execution exception.
  • Only single-file datasets can be used as input of a processing tool: multi-files datasets need jGASW evolution
  • Grid data transfers are not implemented yet, therefore processing tools cannot be run on the Grid infrastructure.
  • The Visioscopie viewer does not works on all MacOS platforms. Not validated on Linux 32, not available on Linuix 64.
  • On the user cart, the save-as function fails to save downloaded files to “My Documents” on a Windows platform. Instead, save files to a subdirectory of “My Documents”.

NeuroLOG client installation

How to upgrade your existing NeuroLOG client

If you already have an up and running client, please follow the steps below:

How to install the NeuroLOG client

Refer to the first installation procedure of version 0.5.0. Then proceed with the client upgrade section above.

public_namespace/prototype_v0.5.1.txt · Last modified: 2010/02/09 15:13 by franckmichel